About Specialisation

Price: £35

This specialisation can help learners to build skills of data science and analysis that can help them to communicate results after analysis. This specialisation will provide foundational skills for libraries in Python such as NumPy, Pandas. It will also help to hands on various statistical analysis and SQL with relational database. After completing successfully, this particular course, learners can have practical knowledge and experience in data science and work on advanced data science projects.

Course Duration

Approx. 20 days with suggested pace of 4 hrs/day

Skills in this Specialisation

  • Data Science.
  • Data Analysis.
  • Python Programming.
  • Pandas, NumPy.
  • Probability & Statistics.
  • Data Visualisation.
  • Hypothesis Testing.
  • Descriptive Statistics.

Courses in this Specialisation

  • Data Science Tools.
  • Python for Data Science, and AI Development.
  • Project for Data Science.
  • Database and SQL for Data Science with Python.

Learning Projects

This specialisation contains multiple hands-on labs and small projects in terms of assignments that overall provide practical experience with a variety of data sets. This project builds a dashboard with a python, analysing the data with SQL and perform data analysis.

Learning Projects

Basic computer literacy.

About Tutor

Hussnain Akbar

Financial Analyst, Techlogix BS in Computational Finance MS in Data Science